About the Film

INTO THE MENSTRUALVERSE is a stop-motion feature film from Emma Jacqueline that transcends genre - including sci-fi, comedy, and coming-of-age elements. The movie will be approximately one hour long and is currently in post-production, expected to release in 2025 after being in the works for over a year. INTO THE MENSTRUALVERSE is very wacky in tone - with quirky animation, time travel, talking genitals. sentient shaving devices and raunchy humor. At the same time, there is a sincerity to the film anchored by its existential questions and discussion of women’s and queer issues.

The film stars Emma Jacqueline as a transgender girl named Alice and Julia Rothstein as Vicky the magical Talking Vagina. The supporting cast includes Scott Pincus, Jennifer Hsu, Tori Van Loon, Liz Ritter and Maya Pasricha with the crew being rounded out by Robert Sturdevant, Daniel De Bruyn, and Spencer Sine.

The Power of Sisterhood

Above all else, INTO THE MENSTRUALVERSE is a story about female friendship and the impact that women can have on each other. This film is intended to uplift and empower women and serve as a timely reminder of the importance of community. Additionally, the story offers the perspective of a transgender filmmaker told through a transgender protagonist in order to demonstrate the crucial place that trans women hold within the larger female experience.

About Emma Jacqueline

Emma Jacqueline (she/her) is a filmmaker dedicated to presenting fresh queer and female-focussed stories. A recent graduate of Boston University, Emma has been making films on YouTube since she was 10 years old. Into the Menstrualverse is the work Emma is the most proud of so far, as it is a deeply personal labor of love for her.